We leave the Otun Quimbaya in the morning and then we’ll go to Montezuma (Choco biogeographic). Has few feeders but we can try on the pristine road to get photo the endemic birtds like: Black-and-gold Tanager, Gold-ringed Tanager, Munchique Wood-Wren, Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer, Parker´s Antbird, Alto-Pisones Tapaculo and the newly-described Tatama Tapaculo. All days by 4×4’s all the way to the end of the road for a different set of species.
Other targets bird: Crested Ant-Tanager, Violet tailed Sylph, Brown Inca, Velvet-purple Coronet, Empress Brilliant, Purple-throated Woodstart, Toucan Barbet, Fulvous-dotted Treerunner, Uniform Treehunter, Bar-crested Antshirke, Bicolored Antvireo, Yellow-breasted Antpitta, Orange-breasted Fruiteater, Club-winged Manakin, Choco Vireo, Beautiful Jay, Sooty headed Wren, Black Solitaire, Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager, Purplish mantlet Tanager, Glistering Green Tanager, Rufous-throated Tanager, Scarlet and White Tanager, Indigo Flowerpiercer, Dusky Bush-Tanager, Tanager Finch, Yellow-green Brush-Finch, Ochre-breasted Tanager, Yellow-collated Chlorophonia, Western Emerald, White-tailed Hillstar, Greenish Puffleg, Crested and Golden-headed Quetzal, White-faced Nunbird, Lineated Foliage-gleaner, Streak-capped Treehunter, Barred and Scaled Fruiteater, Bronze-olive Pygmy-Tyrant, Olivaceous Piha, Flame-faced Tanager, Tricolored Brush-Finch, Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia, Black-winged Saltator, Red-headed Barbet, Rufous-breasted Antthrush, Striped Manakin, Zeledon´s Antbird, Ochre-breasted Antpitta, Barred Hawk, Chestnut-headed Oropendola, Lanceolated Monklet, Brown-billed Scytebill, Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant, Ruddy Foliage-Gleaner, Golden Tanager, White-headed Wren and many more. Birding below the Lodge Montezuma (2 hours by car) the scenic Choco rain forest is a great spot for several Baudo Oropendola and to head downhill towards Santa Cecilia to finding Baudo Oropendola, Baudo Guan, Spot-crowned Barbet, Grey-headed Chachalaca. Night: Montezuma Lodge.
Altitude: 5741 ft – 12467 ft (1750m – 3800m)
Inclusions: Private transport; all meals; hotel accommodation.