This As well as being very birdy, the Chocó region is one of the wettest areas on our planet, As well as holding a number of Chocó endemics this area is also home to the endemic Gold-ringed Tanager, Black-and-gold Tanager, Munchique Wood Wren, Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer White-tailed Hillstar, Empress Brilliant, Violet-tailed Sylph.: Mixed flocks are a feature of the area and hold such goodies as Yellow-vented Woodpecker, the skulking Rufous Spinetail, Fulvous-dotted Treerunner, Uniform Treehunter, Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner, Ornate and Handsome Flycatchers, Black Solitaire, the TANAGER Glisteninggreen and Purplish-mantled Tanagers, Silver-throated, Lemon-rumped, Rufousthroated Tanagers, Dusky-bellied Bush-Tanager, the localized Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager, the delightful Indigo Flowerpiercer and Tricolored Brushfinch. We should also come across at least several of the scarcer species, which include Pacific Tuftedcheek, the little-known Bicolored Antvireo, the endemic Parker’s Antbird. the sluggish Olivaceous Piha, the gorgeous Orange-breasted Fruiteater,
Club-winged Manakin, the endemic Crested Ant-Tanager, the stunning Yellowcollared and Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia, and even Beautiful Jay. We should also find such more woodcreepers, trogons and lot orchids species. Night: Montezuma Rainforest Lodge morning will be the highest elevation at Nevados National Park for look the endemic Buffy Helmetcrest, the stunning hummingbird, often can be photographed on perches or while feeding on Espeletia flowers. Other change (without feeders) as well Tawny Antpitta, Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, Sedge Wren, Andean Tit-Spinetail, White-chinned Thistletail, and Andean Siskin. The scenery is also impressive with fast grasslands. After a final morning at Los Nevados we will head down to the humid Choco for a three nights stay in the Tatama National Park region. Night: Montezuma Rainforest Lodge.
Altitude: 5741 ft – 12467 ft (1750m – 3800m)
Inclusions: Private transport; all meals; hotel accommodation.